Post by Salma on Nov 3, 2022 19:18:36 GMT 2
Hanski pitää pikayksityistunteja marraskuun viimeisenä viikonloppuna. Tunneilla keskitytään ensisijaisesti istuntaan ja apujen vaikuttavuuteen. Jokainen yksityistunti on kestoltaan 30 minuuttia. Hevoset ja ratsastajat saapuvat maneesiin valmiiksi lämpiminä ja koko aika käytetään tehokkaaseen työskentelyyn. Puolet ratsukoista ratsastaa lauantaina, puolet sunnuntaina. Tunti maksetaan täyttämällä tämä tarinageneraattori ja jakamalla syntynyt tarina tässä topikissa. Voit joko suomentaa tarinan tai lähettää sen suoraan sellaisena. Myös pienet muutokset ovat sallittuja. Maksun aiheena on kuinka tunti sujui ja millaisia ajatuksia Hanskin palaute ratsastajassa herätti.
Tunnista ei tule erillistä kehyskertomusta. Osallistujatlauantai10:00 Salma - Bliss 10:40 Sisu - Susu 11:20 Iiris - Vappu 12:00 Saaga - Pinja sunnuntai10:00 Riinis - Perle 10:40 Krista - Peck 11:20 Eedi - Vappu 12:00 Lyyti - Paahtis
hmm? miks katot mua noin?
Posts: 229
Hoitoheppa: Susu
Koulutaso: HeB
Estetaso: 80cm
Post by Sisu on Nov 4, 2022 9:46:04 GMT 2
Sisu ja Susu mukaan Hanskin polttavan katseen alle!
Posts: 125
Hoitoheppa: Vappu
Post by Iiris on Nov 4, 2022 11:39:34 GMT 2
Iiris ja Vappu mukaan!
Post by Manny on Nov 4, 2022 14:50:38 GMT 2
Riinis mukaan!
Post by Anne on Nov 4, 2022 22:03:33 GMT 2
Krista - Peck
Post by Anne on Nov 4, 2022 22:18:08 GMT 2
Clever Peck Pony A Short Story by Anne
Krista Ollila had always loved hilly Liekkijärvi with its victorious, vain forests. It was a place where she felt ambivalent.
She was a splendid, mean, Freeway drinker with chubby hands and ample toenails. Her friends saw her as an open, old ogre. Once, she had even saved a grisly baby bird that was stuck in a drain. That's the sort of woman he was.
Krista walked over to the window and reflected on her dull surroundings. The wind blew like skipping flamingos.
Then she saw something in the distance. It was the figure of Peck Pony. Peck was a clever Gotland pony with dark hair ja round shapes.
Krista gulped. She was not prepared for Peck.
As Krista stepped outside and Peck came closer, she could see the scattered smile on Peck's face.
Peck gazed with the affection of 7421 generous greasy gerbils. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want a resolution." So Krista figured and new that this kind of thinking after Hanski's lesson was most forbidden.
Krista looked back, even more surprised and still fingering the warped sandwich. "Peck, what's up Doc," she replied.
They looked at each other with calm feelings, like two moaning, miniature maggots hopping at a very gentle engagement party, which had trance music playing in the background and two charming uncles bopping to the beat. But it hadn't been great, krista new. And secretlu gave Peck some sandwich.
Krista studied Peck's grizzly hair and brown, thick hair. Eventually, she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," began Krista in apologetic tones, "but I don't feel the same way, and I never will. I just don't love you Peck."
Peck looked shocked, his emotions raw like a breezy, bulbous book.
Krista could actually hear Peck's emotions shatter into 2790 pieces. Then the clever pony hurried away into the distance.
Not even a drink of root-beer would calm Krista's nerves tonight. THE END
Post by Eedi Myllyoja on Nov 5, 2022 13:49:03 GMT 2
Eedi mukaan sunnuntaina!
Post by Emmy on Nov 6, 2022 11:06:39 GMT 2
Saaga ja Pinja
Posts: 213
Hoitoheppa: Oili
Post by Lyyti on Nov 7, 2022 23:04:06 GMT 2
Lyyti ja Paahtis
hmm? miks katot mua noin?
Posts: 229
Hoitoheppa: Susu
Koulutaso: HeB
Estetaso: 80cm
Post by Sisu on Nov 14, 2022 23:18:02 GMT 2
26.11.2022 The cold riding hall Sisu had always hated the cold riding hall with its wet, wide walls. It was a place where she felt grumpy.
Sisu is a strong, arrogant hot chocolate drinker with chubby ankles and tall hands. Her friends saw her as a spilt, spluttering riding school student. Once she had even made a cup of tea for a knobby cat. That's the sort of woman she is.
Sisu turned Susu over to the window of the riding hall and reflected on the gloomy surroundings. The rain teased like trotting horses. Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Hanski. Hanski is a peculiar riding instructor with dirty ankles and short hands.
Sisu gulped. She was not prepared for Hanski.
As Sisu returned to the centre of the riding hall and Hanski came closer, she could see the yummy glint in her eyes. Hanski glared with the wrath of 5300 clumsy mice. "I hate you and I want clear leg aids", she said in hushed tones. Sisu looked back, even more focused and still brushing the black saddle. "Hanski, I'm trying", she replied.
They looked at each other with nervous feelings like two blushing, bulbous birds cantering on a very mean riding lesson which had rap music playing in the background and two spiteful uncles yelling to the beat. Sisu studied Hanski's dirty ankles and short hands. Eventually she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry", began Sisu in apologetic tones, "but I don't feel the same way and I never will. I just don't hate you, Hanski." Hanski looked irritable, her emotions raw like a stupid, stormy stirrup. Sisu could actually hear Hanski's emotions shatter into 2669 pieces. Then the peculiar coward hurried away into the distance.
Not even a drink of chocolate would calm Sisu's nerves tonight.
Posts: 213
Hoitoheppa: Oili
Post by Lyyti on Nov 15, 2022 17:10:29 GMT 2
Lyyti Riikonen looked at the stern rock in her hands and felt jolly.
She walked over to the window and reflected on her windy surroundings. She had always loved cozy Seppele with its tiny, tame trees. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel jolly.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Hanski. Hanski was a fun witch with wrinkly armpits and cute ankles.
Lyyti gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was an optimistic, curious, tea drinker with chubby armpits and brown ankles. Her friends saw her as a nervous, naughty nun. Once, she had even revived a dying Sense the Cat.
But not even an optimistic person who had once revived a dying Sense the Cat, was prepared for what Hanski had in store today.
The wind blew like galloping pony, making Lyyti grumpy.
As Lyyti stepped outside and Hanski came closer, she could see the hurt glint in her eye.
"Look Lyyti," growled Hanski, with a bitter glare that reminded Lyyti of fun horse. "I hate you and I want että opit paremman istunnan. You owe me 2945 euros."
Lyyti looked back, even more grumpy and still fingering the stern rock. "Hanski, voitsitsie olla joskus vähän ystävällisempi," she replied.
They looked at each other with cheerful feelings, like two crowded, colorful cats yawning at a very suspicious riding lesson, which had heavy metal music playing in the background and two resentful uncles petting to the beat.
Lyyti regarded Hanski's wrinkly armpits and cute ankles. "I don't have the funds ..." she lied.
Hanski glared. "Do you want me to shove that stern rock where the sun don't shine?"
Lyyti promptly remembered her optimistic and curious values. "Actually, I do have the funds," she admitted. She reached into her pockets. "Here's what I owe you."
Hanski looked suspicious, her wallet blushing like a careful, condemned cloud.
Then Hanski came inside for a nice cup of tea.
Avatar © Jassu L
Posts: 103
Koulutaso: HeA
Estetaso: 140cm
Post by Milla-Riina on Nov 15, 2022 17:35:00 GMT 2
Two Sweet Uncles Swimming to the Beat
Milla-Riina looked at the minuscule banana in her hands and felt ecstatic.
She walked over to the window and reflected on her old-fashioned surroundings. She had always hated chilly maneesi with its green, gleaming gates. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel ecstatic.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Hanski . Hanski was a brutal ogre with beautiful hands and pretty eyelashes.
Milla-Riina gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a creepy, predatory, whiskey drinker with dirty hands and solid eyelashes. Her friends saw her as a squashed, sad saint. Once, she had even revived a dying owl.
But not even a creepy person who had once revived a dying owl, was prepared for what Hanski had in store today.
The moon shone like laughing snakes, making Milla-Riina jumpy.
As Milla-Riina stepped outside and Hanski came closer, she could see the sturdy smile on her face.
"I am here because I want results," Hanski bellowed, in a clever tone. She slammed her fist against Milla-Riina's chest, with the force of 6600 giraffes. "I frigging hate you, Milla-Riina ."
Milla-Riina looked back, even more jumpy and still fingering the minuscule banana. "Hanski, you must think I was born yesterday," she replied.
They looked at each other with surprised feelings, like two rabblesnatching, repulsive rats thinking at a very brave funeral, which had flute music playing in the background and two sweet uncles swimming to the beat.
Milla-Riina regarded Hanski's beautiful hands and pretty eyelashes. She held out her hand. "Let's not fight," she whispered, gently.
"Hmph," pondered Hanski.
"Please?" begged Milla-Riina with puppy dog eyes.
Hanski looked sad, her body blushing like a grubby, grotesque guillotine.
Then Hanski came inside for a nice glass of whiskey.
Post by Salma on Nov 24, 2022 21:24:39 GMT 2
Lumisade, joka kiusoitteli kuin hyppelevä varsa kirjoittanut Salma
Salma Stjärndahl ajatteli jälleen Hannele Appelgreniä. Hanski oli vikkelä ja kauhistuttava ratsastuksenopettaja, jolla oli sileät käsivarret ja muhkurainen nenä.
Salma käveli ikkunalle ja katseli lumisia tiluksiaan. Hän oli aina rakastanut rauhaisaa Seppelettä ja sen kaunista, paholaismaista Blisiä. Seppele oli paikka, jossa Salma aina tunsi olonsa innokkaaksi.
Silloin hän näki kaukana jotakin... tai paremmin sanottuna jonkun. Se oli Hanskin vikkelä hahmo.
Salma nielaisi. Hän tuijotti heijastustaan ikkunassa. Hän oli velmu, häpeilevä teenjuoja, jolla oli hoikat käsivarret ja kulmikas nenä. Salman ystävät pitivät häntä halpamaisena, mutta ihanana jäätanssijana. Kerran hän jopa auttoi raidallista linnunpoikasta selviytymään lento-onnettomuudesta.
Mutta edes velmu jäätanssija, joka on kerran auttanut raidallista linnunpoikasta lento-onnettomuudessa, ei ollut valmistautunut siihen, mitä Hanskilla oli tänään mielessään.
Lumisade kiusoitteli kuin hyppelevä varsa, ja se sai Salman hätääntymään. Hän tarttui löysään riimunnaruun, joka oli heitetty lähistölle; hän hieroi sitä sormissaan. Kun Salma astui ulos ja lähestyi Hanskia, hän saattoi nähdä vaarallisen hymyn Hanskin kasvoillaan.
Hanski tuijotti Salmaa 4 159 rajun, kaleidoskooppisen kissan voimalla. Hän sanoi matalalla äänellä:
"Rakastan sinua joten haluan, että voitat."
Salma katsoi takaisin vieläkin hätääntyneempänä ja sormeili yhä riimunnarua.
"Hanski, yritän kyllä parhaani", hän vastasi.
He katsoivat toisiaan yllättyneinä, kuin kaksi tärähtelevästi tanssivaa kakadua, jotka rakastivat toisiaan sellaisissa hyvin romanttisissa juhlissa, joissa kaksi ihastuttavaa setää jammaili soulin tahtiin odottaessaan jotakin tapahtuvaksi. Hanski katseli Salman hoikkia käsivarsia ja kulmikasta nenää.
"Minusta tuntuu ihan samalta", hän paljasti kevyesti virnistäen. Sitten Hanskin ilme muuttui vaisuksi, sillä hänen tunteensa pyörteilivät kuin nälkäinen, naurettava kuoppa.
Sen jälkeen Salma ja Hanski menivät sisälle ja joivat kunnon kupilliset teetä.
Posts: 125
Hoitoheppa: Vappu
Post by Iiris on Nov 30, 2022 21:20:35 GMT 2
Iiris oli aina rakastanut kovaäänistä, kaikuvaa maneesia ja sen liki kimaltelevaa, limaista hiekkaa. Siellä Iiris tunsi olevansa nuhainen. Iiris oli koppava, nälkäinen brandynlitkijä nätteine silmineen ja kurvikkaine jalkoineen. Hänen ystävänsä näkivät hänet irrallisena, pitkäveteisenä rakastajana. Kerran Iiris jopa auttoi voltteja (eikä edes niitä ratsastus-voltteja) tekevän kissanpennun tien yli. Se oli vain sitä, millainen nainen Iiris oli. Iiris asteli ikkunan äärelle ja peilaili kosteaa ympäristöään. Tuuli puhalsi kuin rakastavat repolaiset. Sitten hän näki jotakin kaukaisuudessa - tai tarkemmin, jonkun. Hahmo oli Hanskin silhuetti. Hanski oli pahanilkinen raakalinen pönäkkine silmineen ja piikikkäine jalkoineen.
Iiris nielaisi. Hän ei ollut valmistautunut Hanskin tapaamiseen. Iiris astui ulos ja Hanskin astellessa lähemmäs, näki Iiris hauraan katseen Hanskin silmissä. Hanski mulkoili Iiristä 138 hyveellisen, janoisen rupikonnan voimalla. Hanski puhui, "Vihaan sinua ja haluan Instagram-tykkäyksiä." Iiris tuijotti takaisin, yhä enemmän ja enemmän mielissään, sormeillen revennyttä sanomalehtistä. "Hanski, mä hankin uuden työn", Iiris vastasi. Kaksikko tuijotti toisiaan hermostunein tuntein kuin kaksi koditonta hevosta juoksentelemassa pitkin aatelisia reivejä, joissa taustalla soi trance-musiikki ja kaksi aatteetonta setää istuivat musiikin tahdissa. Iiris silmäili Hanskin pönäköitä silmiä ja piikikkäitä jalkoja. "Tunnen samoin!" Iiris paljasti, virnuillen onnessaan. Hanski näytti ärtyneeltä, naisen tunteet nousten punana poskille kuin ratsastava, kaikuva kivi. Sitten Hanski tuli sisälle juodakseen lasillisen hyvää brandya. LOPPU kts. alkuperäinen teksti alla, käännös tehty hivenen luovia vapauksia ottaenIiris had always loved noisy riding hall with its sparkling, slimy sand. It was a place where she felt sneezy. She was a snooty, hungry, brandy drinker with pretty eyes and curvaceous legs. Her friends saw her as a loose, long-winded lover. Once, she had even helped a flipping kitten cross the road. That's the sort of woman he was. Iiris walked over to the window and reflected on her damp surroundings. The wind blew like loving foxes. Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Hanski. Hanski was a spiteful brute with squat eyes and spiky legs. Iiris gulped. She was not prepared for Hanski. As Iiris stepped outside and Hanski came closer, she could see the fragile glint in her eye. Hanski glared with all the wrath of 138 virtuous thirsty toads. She said, in hushed tones, "I hate you and I want Instagram likes." Iiris looked back, even more delighted and still fingering the ripped newspaper. "Hanski, I'm getting a new job," she replied. They looked at each other with jumpy feelings, like two hard, homeless horses running at a very noble rave, which had trance music playing in the background and two thoughtless uncles sitting to the beat. Iiris regarded Hanski's squat eyes and spiky legs. "I feel the same way!" revealed Iiris with a delighted grin. Hanski looked irritable, her emotions blushing like a riding, resonant rock. Then Hanski came inside for a nice glass of brandy.
Post by Saaga on Jan 6, 2023 17:24:50 GMT 2
The Purple Saddle
Saaga Rinne looked at the purple saddle in her hands and felt excited.
She walked over to the window and reflected on her cloudy surroundings. She had always loved cold Seppele with its scattered, shrill stable. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel excited.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Pinja . Pinja was a forgetful angel with fast legs and short arms.
Saaga gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a hopeful, patient, soda drinker with skinny legs and brown hair arms. Her friends saw her as a fast, famous friend. Once, she had even helped a spotty kitten cross the road.
But not even a hopeful person who had once helped a spotty kitten cross the road, was prepared for what Pinja had in store today.
The rain hammered like trotting horses, making Saaga happy.
As Saaga stepped outside and Pinja came closer, she could see the eager glint in her eye.
Pinja gazed with the affection of 4592 hungry modern mice. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want a fight."
Saaga looked back, even more happy and still fingering the purple saddle. "Pinja, I like you," she replied.
They looked at each other with nervous feelings, like two clean, creepy cats walking at a very friendly riding lesson, which had rock music playing in the background and two bold uncles petting to the beat.
Saaga regarded Pinja's fast legs and short arms. "I feel the same way!" revealed Saaga with a delighted grin.
Pinja looked grumpy, her emotions blushing like a brief, brave brush.
Then Pinja came inside for a nice drink of soda.